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Do you know anyone who still wears a mask?


New Podcasts

Episode Number:

Episode 09

About the Podcast

Satire is one of the most effective methods of conveying information.

If you still know anyone in your circle of friends that is walking around with a face diaper, please share this video with them.

This clip is already 3 years old … but frankly I don't know if there's anyone on the internet who captured the mask hysteria and really the whole awakening better than Canadian Comedian “Whatsherface!” She was one of those few voices of reason that I found early on during this craziness. It is my honor to begin my podcast with an homage to her!

Do not let them memory hole this. Share, share, share!

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**** Definitely, worth the follow!! !

Remember: everyone wakes up at their own pace. Let's educate and empower together.

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God Bless America. God bless this podcast. And God Bless you!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The message is hope!” Amazon: (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle)

Audiobook only available at:

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