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Exposing the War on Truth in the 2024 Orwellian Digital Age!


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Episode Number:

Episode 10

About the Podcast

It's crazy to think that the “Truth” and “Facts” are under attack. But that's where we find ourselves in this Orwellian digital information age.

Big Tech is selling you on the notion that the Truth is “subjective” or “personal” and dependent on your perception.

This video explores Katherine Maher's 2001 claim that, “there are many different truths.” And we highlight and explain the importance and significance of her position. While everyone is entitled to an opinion... it becomes dangerous when opinions such as these come from people who control Big Tech platforms, our informational archives and search engines.

Do not let them memory hole this. Share, share, share!

Katherine Maher's 2001 Ted Talk:

Remember: everyone wakes up at their own pace. Let's educate and empower together.

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God Bless America. God bless this podcast. And God Bless you!

“The Gift: The story is the plane crash. The message is hope!” Amazon: (Hardcover, Paperback, Kindle)

Audiobook only available at:

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